The Method effect generally works with sales teams of 6 to 100, with sales territories of 1 million and above, including individual executive sales coaching.
Hiring - DATA BASED sales profiling
It starts here! We provide comprehensive DATA BASED hiring support for finding the right sales candidate. This includes thorough strategic testing, interviewing and role matching.
Sell More
Face to face, on the phone, on the web and via email. A good sales strategy requires that your people connect and communicate with clients both on site, in their offices, in public settings and in non face-to-face environments. It also requires specialization, differentiation, segmentation and concentration. No business can afford to apply the same sales strategy across all client channels and opportunities, rather, it starts with having a multi-layered strategy.
As much as 80 percent of selling today is accomplished by clients first researching products and services and then connecting through technology (phone, text, email, social media) with the sales group. Effective sales strategies may need to include effective image management, real time connectivity and heightened tactical skills to deal with well-informed customers that can quickly turn away if they wish.
Chasing potential and existing customers with outside sales teams is expensive, while using inside salespeople to create strong relationships with larger critical clients can cost you a sale if not done right. What is required is segmenting clients and applying the appropriate contact strategy based on the value they bring to your business.
And tracking activities is not all of it. Establishing a good sales process that includes effective sales planning and intelligence gathering is hyper-critical. We believe that every time you launch a sales campaign, be it advertising or one to capture just one key customer; there is a moment of truth. Once you press your launch button, you better hit your target. Miss the target and you cannot recapture the acquisition costs.